Quality Assurance: Microbiological Testing at BTS for Antimicrobial Textile Products
Textile Testing Methods

In a world where safety and hygiene reign supreme, textiles have evolved beyond comfort and aesthetics. The demand for antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral testing has surged, with stringent standards such as ASTM, AATCC, JIS, and ISO leading the way. These standards encompass essential test methods like ASTM E 2149 and JIS L 1902 to assess textiles’ resistance to microbial contamination. Applications span across healthcare, sportswear, upholstery, pharmaceuticals, and more, all relying on these textiles for safety. At BTS, we conduct these tests like AATCC 100, ISO 20743, and ISO 18184 with unwavering precision, ensuring that antimicrobial textiles meet the highest hygiene and safety standards. We’re dedicated to certifying textile effectiveness, contributing to a safer, healthier world.
Methods of Testing
Anti Bacterial TESTING
For Textile
Antibacterial Assessment of Textile Materials: Parallel Streak Method for Antimicrobial Testing
The parallel streak method is a valuable technique for assessing bacteriostatic activity through the diffusion of antibacterial agents within agar against both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. This method involves the observation of the Zone of Inhibition and the presence of bacterial growth under the textile specimen.
This method is particularly useful for providing a rough estimate of antibacterial activity based on the size of the Zone of Inhibition. However, it's important to note that the zone's size cannot be considered a quantitative measure of antibacterial activity.
Expression of Results: Measurement of the Zone of Inhibition in millimeters, along with noting the absence of bacterial growth in the contact area beneath the fabric sample.
Turnaround Time: Typically 2-4 days for results.
Determination of antibacterial activity of textile materials: Agar Diffusion Plate Test
This method determines the effect of antibacterial treatments applied to woven, knitted and other flat textiles.
The method is applicable to testing hygienic finishes of hydrophilic, air-permeable materials or antibacterial products incorporated in the fibre.
This method is not suitable for testing textiles treated with antibacterial treatments that react with the agar.
Expression of Results: Zone of Inhibition in mm, no growth under the fabric sample in the contact area
Turnaround Time: 2-4 days
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For Textile
Quantitative Assessment of Antimicrobial Finishes on Textile Materials
AATCC 100 test method offers a quantitative evaluation of antibacterial activity. This evaluation is conducted after a 24-hour exposure to test bacteria on the textile material, with a direct comparison to an untreated control. The results provide a precise assessment of the efficacy of antibacterial treatment, expressed as a Percentage Reduction of Bacteria and Log Reduction of Bacteria.
Results Expression: Antibacterial treatment effectiveness is conveyed in terms of Percentage Reduction of Bacteria and Log Reduction of Bacteria.
Turnaround Time: Typically 5-7 days.
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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Immobilized Antimicrobial Agents under Dynamic Contact Conditions
The ASTM E 2149 method by ASTM standard is designed to assess the antimicrobial efficacy of treated specimens under dynamic contact conditions. In practical use, substrate-bonded antimicrobial agents are often unable to freely diffuse into their surroundings. To address this, the ASTM E 2149 method ensures optimal contact between bacteria and treated fibers, fabrics, or other substrates through continuous agitation of the specimen in a challenged suspension during testing. This is especially relevant for Quaternary silane-type agents.
This approach enables the evaluation of various treated substrates against a broad spectrum of microorganisms. It is well-suited for assessing stressed or modified specimens while maintaining stringent controls.
Results Expression: The effectiveness of the antibacterial finish is presented as the Percentage Reduction of Bacteria and Log Reduction of Bacteria.
Turnaround Time: Typically 5-7 days.
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Assessing Antibacterial Effectiveness in Textile Products: A Quantitative Approach
The ISO 27043 method provides a quantitative approach to determine the antibacterial activity of textile products, including cloth, wadding, thread, and materials used in clothing, bed linens, home furnishings, and non-wovens. This approach, based on textile surface properties, involves the preferred absorption method where the test bacterial suspension is directly inoculated onto the specimen.
Results are expressed in terms of the effectiveness of the antibacterial finish, measured by the Log Reduction of Bacteria in the treated fabric compared to untreated fabric.
Turnaround Time: Typically 5-7 days for results.
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Measuring Antibacterial Effectiveness in Textile Products: A Quantitative Approach
JIS L 1902 test method offers a quantitative approach to determine the antibacterial activity and efficacy of a wide range of textile products, including cloth, wadding, thread, and materials used in clothing, bed linens, home furnishings, and non-wovens.
Advantages of JIS L 1902 Test:
- Rigorous Evaluation: The JIS L 1902 test provides a rigorous assessment, ensuring that textile products meet the highest antibacterial standards.
- Wide Applicability: This method is suitable for all antibacterial textile products, making it versatile for various applications.
- Clear Results: The test quantifies effectiveness by measuring the Log Reduction of Bacteria in treated fabric compared to untreated fabric.
Testing Procedure: The JIS L 1902 test involves exposing the textile product to a bacterial suspension and comparing bacterial growth on the treated fabric with an untreated control. This method ensures that antibacterial activity is effectively quantified.
Turnaround Time: Typically 5-7 days for results.
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For Carpets
Comprehensive Antimicrobial Testing for New Carpet Material
Our AATCC 174 test method is designed to assess the antimicrobial and antifungal activity of new carpet materials. It comprises three procedures, Test I, II, and III, which can be used individually or in combination, depending on the specific requirements for proving antimicrobial and antifungal activity.
AATCC 174 Part I - Qualitative Antimicrobial Testing of Carpet (Diffusion Test)
Test I provides a quantitative assessment of antibacterial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Results Expression: Measurement of the Zone of Inhibition in millimeters, along with noting the absence of bacterial growth under the fabric sample in the contact area.
Turnaround Time: Typically 2-4 days.
AATCC 174 Part II - Quantitative Antimicrobial Testing of Carpet
Test II offers a quantitative procedure to compare and evaluate the degree of antibacterial activity after a 24-hour exposure of test bacteria on the carpet.
Results Expression: Evaluation of the effectiveness of antibacterial treatment, based on the Percentage Reduction of Bacteria and Log Reduction of Bacteria.
Turnaround Time: Typically 5-7 days.
AATCC 174 Part III - Antifungal Activity Assessment of Carpet Materials: Mildew and Rot Resistance of Carpet Materials
Test III is designed for the assessment of antifungal activity and resistance to common fungi in carpet materials.
Results Expression: Evaluation includes the absence of fungal growth around the fabric or a zone of inhibition, along with a rating based on the extent of fungal growth on the specimen.
Turnaround Time: Typically 7 days.
"AATCC 30: Comprehensive Assessment of Textile Material Mildew and Rot Resistance"
Our AATCC 30 test method serves a crucial purpose, determining the susceptibility of textile materials to mildew and rot, while also evaluating the effectiveness of fungicides applied to these materials. Depending on the specific exposure conditions, Test I, II, III, and IV can be used individually or in combination.
AATCC 30 Part I - Soil Burial Test: This test method is designed for textile materials that will be in direct contact with soil. It is particularly rigorous, with specimens buried in active soil to assess the loss of strength due to exposure to soil and soil microorganisms.
Expression of Results: Evaluation includes visual fungal growth and loss of tensile strength.
Turnaround Time: Typically 28 days.
AATCC 30 Part II - Agar Plate Test: This method evaluates the rot resistance of cellulose-containing textile materials not in contact with soil. It's a valuable technique for assessing the uniformity of fungicide treatment.
Expression of Results: Assessment is based on a rating or the extent of fungus growth on the specimen.
Turnaround Time: Typically 14 days.
AATCC 30 Part III - Nutritive Agar Test: Used to assess the susceptibility or resistance of textile materials to fungal growth. Test specimens are exposed to fungi on a nutritive agar medium, and after a defined incubation period, they are examined for fungal growth.
Expression of Results: The results can include the absence of fungus growth around the fabric or a zone of inhibition, along with a rating based on the extent of fungus growth on the specimen.
Turnaround Time: Typically 7 days.
AATCC 30 Part IV - Humidity Jar Test: This method is employed to determine the fungistatic effectiveness of treatment designed to control mildew and non-pathogenic fungal growth. It's particularly useful for textile materials intended for outdoor and above-ground use, which are also waterproof.
Expression of Results: The evaluation includes visual assessment of fungal growth and any loss of tensile strength.
Turnaround Time: Typically 28 days.
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"ISO 18184: Definitive Antiviral Testing for Textile Products"
ISO 18184 serves as a critical test method for evaluating the antiviral activity of textile products against viruses. In this rigorous assessment, simultaneous controls are employed to measure the infectious virus titre immediately and after a specified contact period, while also analyzing cytotoxicity. These tests are conducted in parallel to evaluate the titre of the treated specimen under analysis and assess its cytotoxicity, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation.
This method is characterized by its robustness, high accuracy, and excellent repeatability, making it a dependable choice for assessing a wide range of viruses. It is supported by thorough validation procedures.
Results Expression: Test results are presented as the Antiviral Activity Value (Mv), where a value greater than or equal to log3 indicates outstanding antiviral activity.
Turnaround Time: Typically 28 days for results.
Total bacterial count
Total fungal count
ISO 11737 is a pivotal method for determining the population of microorganisms on or within medical devices. It plays a crucial role in validating and routinely controlling sterilization processes. This method is equally applicable for enumerating the viable microbial population in healthcare products, components, raw materials, and packages. It provides the flexibility to select a Bioburden recovery approach, such as Ultrasonic, Stomaching, Vortexing, among others.
Results Expression: The results are conveyed in terms of the number of viable bacteria or fungi, measured in CFU per gram.
Turnaround Time: Typically 7 days.