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Covid-19 from the eyes of a common man

  • Post last modified:10/07/2021
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Covid-19, a term that we all are familiar with now a days. It is so deep rooted into our minds and systems that even if we try our utmost to try and ignore it, we can’t. It creeps in every conversation we have with our friends, family or work places irrespective of what the original topic of conversation was. We all get to see the burden and brunt of this deadly disease India is facing. The news channels are pumping up their trps by making headlines and breaking news. The faces and stories of tired healthcare workers, sanitation workers, police officials, people in the government and countless others are shown each and every day. But what no one sees is the stories and perspectives of the common man, the people who work hard to meet ends in this pandemic. So this is a blog from a common man’s perspective.

Coronavirus is a deadly entity that has given rise to a disease named Covid-19 which has taken over the whole world. It is a form of respiratory disease which is majorly hampering the lungs of the infected person. The government and health officials are screaming on top of their voices to wear masks still some people choose to ignore their pleading. It is not fair to blame the government or healthcare set up when you are not following basic protocols of safety. The system can save you from fatality but you have to save yourself from getting infected.

It was one fine morning in the month of January 2020 when we first heard about the Covid-19 through news. But within couple of months this disease took a turn for worse wreaking havoc throughout the world. It was 22nd March 2020 when the lives of people in our country came to a standstill as a nationwide lockdown was declared which still hasn’t been lifted completely at present. Millions of people have lost their jobs, livelihood and most importantly some have even lost their close and dear ones unfortunately to Covid-19. Masses of labourers fled to their villages to make ends meet as there was and is still scarcity of work. The economic collapse was inevitable and we saw India plunge deep in this pit and have never really recovered. The stock and cryptocurrency markets are crashing as well. 

The 2nd wave is even more deadly as many people have lost their lives due to shortage of oxygen cylinders/concentrators or unavailability of dosages on time. The education sector has come to a complete halt and has disrupted the career progression of many students. The cases of suicides, mental depression amongst the common man are on a high rise as we have a sense of feeling absolutely helpless and powerless at the mercy of Covid-19. We as common people are struggling and craving for things as basic as ration for our homes, not being able to help others due to our financial stability and not being able to meet friends, etc.

A little bit understanding of the coronavirus hence, is absolutely necessary in such times. The spread of coronavirus is immense due to the fact that they are transmitted from one host to another by either of the three ways i.e. aerosol, formites or faecal-oral route. It causes cold with severe symptoms such as fever and sore throat. It can give rise to another condition viz Pnuemonia which can be viral or bacterial and/or bronchitis. Coronavirus can also cause severe acute respiratory disease known as SARS which can infect upper and lower respiratory tract.

As a part of the community we should be able to take care of our own health and that of the people around us. In order to do so we should avoid overcrowding and maintain social distancing. Wearing masks and continuously sanitizing our hands and surfaces we touch is important. We need to be aware that we are not an asymptomatic career and hence we should take timely advice from the doctors if any symptoms are observed. The most important thing to do right now is not panic and trust our systems in place as we can see the cases going down in numbers. We should take vaccines as soon as possible so that it keeps us safe and starts a chain of herd immunity. We should FACE COVID head on and overcome it so that we get back to our routine lives.

F: Focus on what is in your control

A: Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings

C: Concentrate on your mental and physical wellbeing

E: Engage in good deeds

C: Commitment to safety by wearing masks

O: Opening up and talking to your family in such difficult times

V: Value own and other people’s life.

I: Identify early

D: Diagnose, Disinfect, Distance.

We should be compassionate towards others and people who are not blessed with basic things or amenities. As humans we should think and take care of poorer classes of people and what they must be going through in such times. A simple basic donation to the cause can go a long way. You do not have to necessarily wait for the governments to do something. We too can do basic things as donate clothes, or medicines to people. We can collect remnant medicines from the families recovered from Covid-19 and donate them to people who cannot afford it. Weekly one package can be made containing food, snacks, chocolates, fruits and some basic amenities like sanitary pads or sanitization sprays, etc. and can be donated to poor or beggars. Even if some amount of food is left in our homes or offices, we can collect from the whole group and give to certain people. Small efforts go a long way in such difficult time. We must also inform and teach people the ill effects of public spitting, etc. We should be the ones taking onus on us to change things from our level and hope to see better days and bright future post this pandemic.