Chemical & Microbiological Testing Facility For Water
Water Testing

Water is the elixir that supports a lot of our life processes. It is imperative that this source is kept clean and contamination free. To ensure the quality of Water, Chemical and Microbiological Tests are carried out.
Drinking water is analysed for Basic chemical parameters such as pH, Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), chlorides as well as for Microbiological parameters like Total Viable count, Presence/ Absence of Coliforms and Escherichia coli. Similarly, Process water, Swimming pool, and Cooling tower water are analysed for the Presence/ Absence of Microbial Pathogens.
For Waste water, Chemical Parameters such as pH, TSS, Oil and Grease, COD and BOD important wrt to discharge limits are analysed.
Microbiological testing of Water is carried out by IS Standards under the aegis of Bureau of Indian Standards. Chemical Testing of water is carried out by APHA standards and IS standards.